Your User Dashboard is the hub of your account with us. You will know you are at the User Dashboard as your screen will read, Welcome John Doe to you User Dashboard.
Under your name you will see 4 boxes labeled, "My Products", "My Saved Tests", "My Certificates" and "My Orders"
"My Products" - In this box you will see the courses and packages you have purchased from us. If you do not see a product, please click "View All" as the overview page only show the last 3 items purchased. Whem you see the course or package you are looking for, click the red link and it will take you to the course. If you have an unlimited package with us, click on the CPE 2.0, Enrolled Agents 2.0 or Ultimate Tax pack and all the courses included in those packages are already applied to your account.
"My Saved Tests" - We understand you are busy and sometimes you may start an exam and have to stop for any number of reasons. The system will allow you to save your place and return to the exam when it is convenient for you. We have some clients that when selecting a course they will answer the first question as a place filler and save the test so it will appear right on the user dashboard and you do not have to go looking for the course. All test questions can be reviewed and changed up until you submit the exam for grading.
"My Certificates" - Every completed and passed examination will automatically generate your certificate. Additionally our system is unique in that it will allow you to upload outside CPE certificates so you can keep all of your CPE together in one system. Click "View All" and it will bring up your complete transcript along will options to Add External Certificates as well as Export your transcripts to either .xls or .csv format to save and submit to your State Board of Accountancy. Information can be sorted by Course Name as well as Completion date.
"My Orders" - Will show your entire order history with our program. My orders will show you, your purchases, your invoices, what programs are active as well as the expiration date. Although you are emailed a receipt immediately from this is an additional copy for your records should you need it to turn into your firm for reimbursement or for Education Tax documents when filing your personal taxes.