Terms & Conditions

Unlimited Package:

If you have a current annual membership with CPE247.com you do not need to purchase individual courses, the exception being state specific ethics.  Log in to your account and under my products you will see the unlimited package link. Once you select the 2.0 annual package, all courses are already placed in your account.

Record Retention Policy:
Records are stored online indefinitely with daily backups.  Participants have 24 hour access to course records, both in-process and completed.

Refund Policy:
CPE247.com offers a standard 90-day full refund policy.  After 90 days, store credit is issued equaling the original purchase price.

Program cancellation policy
Customers may cancel within the first 90 days in writing for any reason and receive a full refund. Please call 800-977-8641 or email cs@cpe247.com to request cancelation

Complaint resolution policy
Customers may call or email our customer service department with their concerns.  All complaints are resolved or in the process of being resolved within 48 hours of the time the complaint is received.

Please call 800-977-8641 or email cs@cpe247.com to voice your concerns.